World of Cubes Wiki

Hunger Bar Eat_8Eat_10 is an aspect of gameplay, that governs the level of player's hunger in Survival Mode. The Hunger Bar is located down after Health Bar on the upper left corner of the screen, which looks like 10 Steaks, and are equal to 2 half-units of Food.

If the Hunger Bar is at 18 units (9 Eat_10Eat_6) or above, the player's health will slowly regenerate at a rate of 1 health units every 4 seconds.

If the Hunger Bar is at 0 units (0 Eat_0 ), the player's health will deplete at a rate of 1 (1hp) health units every 20 seconds (this makes sleeping impossible), till the player's health stops dropping at 10(1hp) health units.

Poisoning effect

Food Chance of poisoning
RAW-CHICKEN_25 Raw Chicken 30%
ROTTEN-FLESH_25 Rotten Flesh 80%
SPIDER-EYE_25 Spider Eye 100%